
Guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie
Guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie

guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie

Losing patience, Madison begins insulting Skye and continues to blame her for the deaths at the party.

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Skye rushes to free Madison but struggles with the ropes. Skye initially pretends to comply but decides to stab Charlie instead, then uses a cabinet to pin him to the ground. Charlie then unties Skye, gives her a knife and tells her to kill Madison. Madison wakes up in the basement with Skye, both their hands tied to a table. Skye begs her father to spare him so Charlie tosses him outside then re-locks the doors. Charlie catches up to them and knocks out Madison, then starts strangling Derek.

guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie

Believing he is dead, the rest try to run to the exit but are unsuccessful. Brigg tries to fight with Charlie but is quickly thrown off the balcony. Derek uses the DJ booth to flash spotlights in Charlie's face, distracting him long enough for Skye and Madison to escape. Charlie reappears and chases the three of them to the edge of a balcony. They try to run out the back but their path is blocked by the gutted party planner, Charlie then surprise attacks Madison but they’re able to get away and reunite with Brigg. Madison blames Skye for everything and starts getting physical with her when Charlie appears, locking the front exit. Frightened, everyone leaves except for Madison and Skye. She tries to run out to the crowd but Charlie appears and decapitates her. When Madison's father starts giving a birthday speech, Olivia goes to use the bathroom and finds one of the dead bodies in the stall next to her. Skye’s father is revealed to be alive and he spends a majority of the party stalking and killing Madison’s friends. Skye texts Lilly for help and she leaves a backdoor unlocked for Skye and Derek to sneak in. When he leaves Skye decides that she's going to crash Madison's party. Not believing him, she tries to say that they aren't going to work out but Brigg kisses her and says that he really does want to spend more time together, just on a different day. He explains to Skye why he's going to the party and says he will make it up to her. Skye initially refuses since it's where her father committed his crimes, then Brigg then arrives. While hanging out after school, Skye's best friend Derek says he wants to sneak into Madison's party and she should join him. The next morning at school Madison hands out invitations to her Sweet 16 and invites Brigg, which interferes with his plans with Skye. During the drive, Brigg asks Skye to hang out Saturday night and she accepts. He reverses back to offer a ride, which Skye reluctantly accepts. Afterward, Skye is walking home and Brigg sees her while driving by. Skye refuses and tries to leave but is stopped by Madison, who picks on her. Madison's friend Lilly arrives and tells Skye who destroyed her stuff, then admits that she actually dislikes Madison and encourages Skye to try and get revenge.

guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie

Later that same day after swim class, Skye arrives at her gym locker to see that it's covered with paint and her clothes are cut up. After learning what’s happened between Sky and Brigg, Madison decides that Skye needs to be punished. Olivia immediately rushes to tell Madison and finds her with their other best friend, Chloe. This is seen by Olivia, one of Madison's best friends. One morning she has a flirtatious moment with Madison's ex-boyfriend, Brigg. Ten years later, Skye is now an outcast and picked on by her classmates because of her father's crimes. While being transported to prison, the van crashes and Charlie is believed to have died. A flashback reveals that Charlie Rotter, who was the owner and entertainer of the Roller Dome, had dismembered and stuffed 6 teens into oil bins before finally being turned into the police by his 6 year old daughter Skye. She wants to have her party at the Roller Dome, a once-popular roller skating rink with a violent history. Madison Penrose is preparing for her Sweet 16. ( April 2015) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.

Guy goes crazy and shoots my super sweet sixteen movie