to move or cause to move back and forth, as between places or between ideas, feelings, etc … English World dictionary Ping-Pong - trademark for table tennis equipment n. Ping Pong (disambiguation) - Ping pong is a popular name for the game of table tennis.In film: * Ping Pong (film), a 2002 Japanese manga adaptation film * Ping Pong (1986 film), a British comedy drama film * Ping Pong (1968 film), a German film * Ping Pong (1950 film), a… … Wikipedia The event marked a thaw in U.S.–China relations that paved the way to a visit to Beijing by President Richard Nixon … Wikipedia Ping Pong Diplomacy - (zh c|c=乒乓外交) refers to the exchange of ping pong players of the United States and People s Republic of China (PRC) in the 1970s. Ping pong ball - noun A lightweight celluloid ball used in the sport of table tennis (ping pong) … Wiktionary Tennis de table Ping pong … Wikipédia en Français

Pour les autres significations, voir Ping pong (homonymie).

Ping pong - Tennis de table « Ping pong » redirige ici. Ping Pong - Tennis de table « Ping pong » redirige ici. Ping-pong - Tennis de table « Ping pong » redirige ici.